Manifestation Art
I'm reinventing the 'vision board' in many exciting ways. No longer are the days when vision boards are a collection of magazine cutouts on posterboard. What I'm using are stretched canvases, creating clarity for a new reality. I photo source specific images, finding the perfect photos that call in exactly the life my clients want for themselves. These images are printed on quality photo paper, collaged with intention in placement on the canvas. Everything has meaning and purpose to serve the manifestation of my clients. Once the collaging is layed out, then I use mixed media elements to bring the canvas to life. From healing crystals to luxurious rhinestones and everything in between, each element enhances the canvas in some way. And most importantly, created with a lot of loving intention.
Follow Your Intuition
With inspiration from the iconic tale of The Wizard of Oz, I used the main themes and put my own spiritual twist on it. The message of ‘Follow the Yellow Brick Road’ is now ‘Follow Your Intuition.’ With the ruby red slippers at the beginning of the path, there are LED lights that light up the path to be able to see the glimmer of hope ahead. It symbolizes the light that our guides are giving us to follow the light within us. There are hundreds of crystals set on the yellow brick road (now the yellow crystal road), that provide great healing along the journey. With all of the bumps we face on our path, there is always a lesson for healing and growing. The wire from the LED lights are covered with rainbow gem stones. Somewhere over the rainbow is the magical world in which this woman resides. And to get to that place, to get over the rainbow, it’s going to take fearlessness, love and support from self and community, and the will to keep getting out of the comfort zone to get to that other side. Front and center, an embodied photo of my client stands confidently in the midst of her journey for self discovery and healing. She is ‘Dorothy reinvented,’ putting her own modern flare on it. She is brave, she is kind, she is full of love, and she is accepting and compassionate of her own unique timeline and story that is presently unfolding.

My client has a beautiful dream of owning a sizable amount of land in Austin, Texas. Her intention for this land is to have a vibrant home for herself, as well as several tiny/mobile homes she can rent out to families in need of affordable housing, specifically single parent homes really resonate for her. In the center, this beautiful woman is surrounded by a plethora of healing crystals, her dream home above her and a symbol of divine partnership below her, the partner she envisions living in this space with her. She has the big golden key with emerald rhinestones at her fingertips. The four corners of the canvas represent the tiny homes, each with a small golden key, unlocking the door to community and support. She has a dream of community gardens on the property with chickens and horses, creating a loving space for all. I used dried flowers, crystals, and rhinestones as mixed media elements, bringing her dream to life. The crystal detailing is similar to the tile or mosaic work I can imagine on this property.

Do It Your Own Way, And Do It In A Big Way
This canvas unfolded in a very unique way. My client and I had a consultation and then scheduled her Embodiment Photoshoot for the following week. The main takeaway from the consultation is that her dream career would be to work on feng shui home design. And then the Embodiment Photoshoot went so well, and my client found so much joy and fulfillment in the styling, costume creation, and modeling aspects of the shoot, that we kept doing more photoshoots, and finding more sides to let shine. Through this process brought the inspiration of the canvas and the desire to pursue her many creative gifts, all centered around visual design. The three center photos represent the light and dark sides of my client, and the center photo balancing the two sides in her most authentic, loving state. The embellishments serve to motivate and encourage her to be creative in her own ways and own her creative gifts. The big message on the canvas reads, "Charm, art, and beauty are the way to do it your own way and do it in a big way." This came through in a reading and it's the message she is meant to see; that daily reminder of who she is and how she should show up for herself.

Orbiting the Sun
I made this canvas for my client who is very cosmically connected and into astrology. Her connections inspired me to make the theme of the canvas about space and time. She is represented in the center as the sun and she has three orbits surrounding her, home, career, and travel. Each orbit is an aspect of her life and her universe, the elements of what she's calling into her life. I used citrine and black tourmaline throughout the canvas to give a feel of outer space; while also using the crystals to call in success, abundance, and protection of negative energies.The gold rhinestones are used throughout to represent the stars. That the destiny she is manifesting is already written as such, this will come to her in divine timing. Divine Timing is written in the stars with the rhinestones.

Rustic Rainbow Realm
My client’s dreams of building on this beautiful, expansive land she owns in Oregon really came to life on the canvas. She wants to build a big house to run her own Bed and Breakfast. She also wants to build stand-alone cabins on the property to rent out, have options for camping, and make the space welcoming and cozy for events as well, like writing workshops and tea parties. She was able to get really specific with me about her vision design-wise and aesthetically for this Bed and Breakfast and the cabins. This allowed me to source images that will align with her vision and aid her in her manifestations. She also dreams of building her jam and shortbread business, something she has already taken action on with great success. My client is calling in embracing her softer side. I used lace and pearls as the mixed media elements to incorporate this feeling for her. When we can visualize clearly what we want, it's that much easier for it to come to life. Allow your thoughts to align with your vision.

Trust in your Wings and Fly High
This canvas has a universal message of trust. As my client expands her wings in this center photo, the wings then spread out even further, reaching out wider and higher than she could have imagined. The two hummingbirds, her Talisman, deliver her this important message, 'I trust myself.' When we can truly trust ourselves, our intuition, and lead with an open heart, anything is possible.
Other important concepts that are on the canvas are calling in long term, divine partnership, having a family with this partner, traveling the world and having multiple homes around the world, and creating the most loving and supportive community.
I used rose quartz crystals to surround partnership and community in unconditional love and Swarovski crystals surrounding each photo of the seven chakras with each corresponding color. The seven chakras are depicted in seven images, running up and down the center of the canvas. Her higher self is a hologram image at the top, the magical goddess leading the way. The third eye chakra image is an art installation centered around a huge heart. This symbolizes that her emotional heart serves as her intuition. The throat chakra image is a woman handing over the world to the hands of a child. This represents her dream of building a family and sharing her voice and knowledge with her offspring. The center heart chakra photo is my client, opening her heart, and expanding her angel wings. The solar plexus chakra image depicts women dancing in festival costumes, which serves as my client’s fierce and confident goddess energy. The sacral chakra, our center of creativity and sexuality, is represented in divine partnership, two beings aligning in mind, body, and spirit. The root chakra image shows an illustration of mother earth, her hair grounded in roots, and an angelic harp player present to protect and keep all beings safe and secure. My client had a wild heart with a lot of beautiful dreams that are coming alive in the most synchronistic of ways.

Do What You Love and Love What You Do
This canvas is solely centered around my client and her desire to start a boat charter business. She owns a boat and her boyfriend owns a sailboat. They dream of doing all sorts of private boat charters. From romantic sunset sails to fun birthday party charters and everything in between, this is the dream career they see for themselves.The detailed embellishments of seashells, rhinestones, and sea glass aid in calling in this life on the water. Since making this vision board, my client has found the inspiration to take the first steps towards this dream. This has been a thought for a while, and now she's ready to push through her fears and start this business. The vision is clear. She can see it now, every day hanging in her boat, reminding her what will make her happy and fulfilled.

Light It Up
My client has lived a very full life so far, with some dark times in his past. During the consultation, he really emphasized that he wants to let go of his past and move forward with a new perspective in the hopes of a bright future. That's where the theme of this canvas came from. I used LED lights to let the canvas shine, reminding my client that he has the power and the choice to light up his own world, it’s just a matter of turning the switch on. My client is very inspired by the book, 'Man's Search for Meaning' by Viktor Frankl. I used the main themes of this book to surround the center photo of my client. These also serve as great daily reminders of how he chooses to live and think. My client's big dream is to own many properties. So this canvas has many photos of beautiful homes, the types of homes that he will one day own himself. He also dreams of getting married one day and having another child. These concepts are represented on the top and bottom center photos of the canvas, surrounded in chakra crystals. I also used tiny chakra crystals throughout the canvas, set on top of the LED wiring. It represents balance and healing throughout his world.

Connecting the Dots
My client is currently an engineer for space technology. He is extremely smart and tech driven. This canvas has been created to help him push his tech innovations, allowing him to see himself at his highest potential; who he is and what he’s capable of accomplishing. I truly believe he has the potential to be the next great innovator of our generation. The overarching theme of connecting the dots emphasizes that each detail, each day is an integral part to the masterpiece that is unfolding. The LED lights that snake down the center of the canvas are connecting the dots of each of those images, seven images representing the seven chakras. The top center image is the crown chakra, our higher selves. This image depicts my client’s higher self as a super hero, ready to show up, be brave, and save the world. The next image down, the third eye chakra, is the image of an eye with the galaxy in the background. It shows his intuition so clearly, through and past so much powerful energy that could cloud judgement for some. The next image down represents the throat chakra, the center for speaking truth and knowledge. My client has so much knowledge in his field, with future dreams of public speaking and spreading his knowledge. The center photo represents the heart chakra. It reads, ‘Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain With You.’ This is a perfect message for an engineer; finding balance between emotion and logic. Underneath that is the solar plexus chakra, represented by a team of people, hands in, all in it together, a symbol of collaboration, confidence, and self-worth in being a part of something special and important. The image underneath is the sacral chakra, where creativity is harbored. This image depicts tech-forward innovation. Lastly, the root chakra, represented by someone holding the world, grounded and secure in knowing that my client holds his life and destiny in his own hands, and trusting that each decision is grounded in truth for his unique journey in this world. Other important images on this canvas are photos of the divine partnership, family, and a comfortable home; all things my client wants for his future. When the lightbulb is on, activation is present. Black tourmaline and clear quartz crystals are used throughout the canvas to give off an outer space vibe, but also to be used as healing properties for blocking negative energies that could potentially get in the way of my client’s goals.
Control the Situation and Do It Dramatically
My client is an aspiring actress and she’s ready to take matters into her own hands. In the next six months, she has planned to live off of her savings, and commit to a full-time job of authentic content creation. Her dream and goal is to write scenes she can act and produce herself, showing the range of characters she can portray, and ultimately producing a really diverse reel of work. Images of actresses in different roles serve as inspiration on the canvas. My client wants to write a one woman show about her experience working as a nanny. She also wants to write and illustrate a children’s book, teaching kids about exploring the universe and knowing they are an important contribution to our world. She wants to create and show up authentically in her work, knowing that her way may not be the conventional way, and that’s ok. Doing fun photoshoots that represent her personality and passions will also serve for content for her website she wants to create. The center photo of her, taken during our Embodiment Photoshoot, was her desire to call in her softer, most feminine side. Surrounded by dried flowers and chakra-colored crystals, it brings this embodiment to life. During our consultation, we used Karma Cards to gain some clarity of how she wants to move forward. Karma Cards write out messages for you, based off of the 3 cards that you choose. One of the messages excited her so much, that I felt it was appropriate to put it on the canvas. In pastel lettering, it reads, ‘Now Is The Time To Control The Situation And Do It Dramatically.’ This is exactly her intention and the message she needs to read every day to fuel her forward in her pursuit of her childhood dream.